Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Story of Edgar "Sorry-tale"

Sorry - I just didn't like it. Initially interesting to see why the potent elixir was purchased, then snoozing for several chapters. Toward the end it was somewhat intriguing to see whether Claude would be discovered for his crimes. But the end was like a giant firecracker that whimpered, fizzled and went out with a sputter. I listened to the discs in the car. That's right - there were 18!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Wife of Martin Guerre by Janet Lewis

Josh was reloading his book shelf and suggested I read this quick piece which is the basis for the story told in the movie "Sommersby". Very interesting to read this story and think about how the story was later created in a more dramatic fashion, different era, different country -- for a movie.
Very quick read - and fun!
Josh -- I'll pop this book back into the mail to you. Thanks.